This year Forum Specialists supported taking action on Kidney Health during Kidney Action Week 11 -17 May 2024.
Key Messages from Forum Specialists during the Kidney Action Week Campaign:
- 3 in 4 Australians are at risk of developing kidney disease
- 1 in 10 Australians have chronic kidney disease. Most are unaware of their disease.
- 90% of kidney function can be lost due to kidney disease without developing any symptoms- most people with early and middle stages of kidney disease have no symptoms
- Once a patient develops end stage kidney disease, life changes drastically. For many patients it means years of haemodialysis- connected to a machine 5 hours a day, 3 times a week
- If kidney disease is detected early, new treatments can slow the progression of kidney disease by years, and importantly save patients from ever requiring dialysis.
- The risk factors for developing kidney disease include: Diabetes, High blood pressure, heart problems or stroke, family history, obesity, smoking, age over 60 years, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background, History of acute kidney injury
- Anyone with any risk factors for kidney disease should see their GP for a kidney health check every 1-2 years. A kidney health check includes: Blood Pressure Test + Urine Test + Blood Test
- If you have risk factors for kidney disease, and do not have any symptoms, you are not safe from kidney disease unless you are screened with a kidney health check and the results are clear
- Take the 2 minute kidney risk test by visiting this link or scanning the QR code below: It could save your life
Over the course of 2024 Forum Specialists aims to continue to empower our patients with knowledge about the importance of kidney health. Healthy lifestyle choices play an important part in preventing kidney disease, with simple habits such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding excessive alcohol and not smoking going a long way to reduce your risk of developing kidney disease
For those who have already been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, we have Nephrologists and renal dietitian on site to support you with managing this condition